Back at the apartment we were pretty cramped on space trying to make our fairly tiny bedroom the biggest little dungeon playroom it could be. The Dungeon Bed was a good start for multi-functionality despite being pretty big, but the general concept of having connection points on the floor interested us.

It being a rented apartment and all, I didn't think drilling in rings to the floor would be a great idea not only from the landlord perspective, but then also having to deal with logistics later. If left then it would be a pretty big tripping hazard and even when removed then one has to figure out how to cover up the hole when not in use. So after more researching and thinking I came across "bondage walls" which seemed similar to the idea of what I wanted, just could be mounted on the floor instead. This way one could get the padding comfort and connection points all on the floor without having to modify the dwelling itself.

Saxon Platform 001 Saxon Platform 002 Saxon Platform 003 Saxon Platform 004

At this point I had a very good idea what I wanted, but still needed to customize it to our small space needs. The bed was already plenty useful to securing someone down flat so the idea was to have this floor platform be more for kneeling. I really liked the idea of being able to sit down and connect a collar and leash through a floor ring to be able to pull a sub down onto me. Even though the bed has all kinds of connection points, it didn't have a great setup for this idea. Considering this goal I decided to make the platform more square in shape and then went even further to make it able to separate into 2 pieces. This way for quick kneeling needs only a half could be used, while using both pieces together offers more padding space and connection points. The hope was to be able to slide the platform under the bed while not in use so we didn't have to walk on or around it all the time. The split also helps with further storage options and generally moving the platform around.

Saxon Platform 005 Saxon Platform 006 Saxon Platform 007 Saxon Platform 008

While researching I came across Saxon Dungeon Furniture and was impressed with their stock furniture offerings along with the fact they even had a bondage wall example. After a custom email inquiry they promptly replied back and they stayed consistent with good communication throughout the whole process. I tried my best to make a good starting mockup, but wasn't sure how to do the half split. Together we ended up with the simple door hinge style connection that worked out well to be overall low profile and not require any screwing/unscrewing. As you can see the end result is very close to the plan, the main change was only having a little more edge border room for the padding on the upper and lower sides. For small concerns the bottom side of the platform is just raw wood and I wish it was painted or stained for general visual consistency, however obviously it is hard to notice while on carpet.

Saxon Platform 009 Saxon Platform 011 Saxon Platform 012 Saxon Platform 010

Overall I'm very happy how it turned out and we certainly still put it to use in our larger home. I look forward to coming up with another cool project for Saxon to make reality. As a side note bonus, our friend NinjaPunchy did the awesome art version picture!

 Saxon Dungeon Furniture:

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